Thursday, August 26, 2010

Some chutzpah!

Politicians in the Jessamy camp call the Bernstein "Dawson" ad offensive to the Dawson family ... apparently without talking to any family members! Says Carnell Dawson of the ad, "it makes some good points ... Nobody should be saying what they think we feel." No kidding!
Meanwhile, the back-and-forth goes on over who in the prosecutor's office dropped the ball on the Dawsons, and the NAACP is planning some sort of.. something.

ps. here's the Marge Shipley radio ad

pps., for the next round, Jessamy's going after Bernstein's experience as a defense attorney.

and ppps., hope you can come out for our Bernstein Meet & Greet, next Wednesday the 1st from 6- 7:30 at the Falls in Mt. Washington. (The candidate will be there then, but the fun will also go on after he leaves if you can't make it by 7:30). We plan to have some crime-themed drink specials, little snacks and a rollicking good time, and it would be nice if you could join/ RSVP to our Facebook group so we will know how many people to provide for.

1 comment:

  1. Speaking of the NAACP, here's Doc Cheatham's FB status below. Disgusting that he'sooking to shakedown DC for $$$ because some people had to actually WALK!!

    "Marvin 'Doc' Cheatham Great march in Washington, D.C. today. Commendations to Rev. Al Sharpton, Jr. for calling the March and for all of those that attended. Mayor Fenty and the Washington, D.C. administration owe a PUBLIC APOLOGY for changing the location of buses to pick us up, without notifying us riders. Law suits should be filed for the health related problems and financial expenses that many suffered."
