Friday, August 20, 2010

WTF?! Slumlord Running for Baltimore City Sheriff!!

Slumlord watch notes that Mike Schaefer, a slumlord so slummy he was jailed and fined $1.8 million, is running as the Republican candidate for Baltimore City Sheriff.
You couldn't make this stuff up!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Correction: he's running in the Democratic primary for sheriff. And given that most people have no idea who in the hell our current sheriff is, he could easily win if enough idiots think he's related to Willie Don Schaefer.

  3. According to the signs I've seen, our current Sheriff is a man named John W. Anderson. The office of Sheriff is kind of mundane -- they serve subpoenas, perform evictions, and guard the courthouses. So I can't say he's done a bad job, considering I spend a good amount of time in the courthouse downtown, researching slumlords. I've never felt unsafe in the courthouse.

  4. I think that the Sheriff's Department provides some manpower to the Warrant Apprehension Task Force, but that's pretty much the only role they play in criminal law enforcement.

  5. He's run quite a few times: (skip to bottom w the pic of the muscle man)
