Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Feud for Thought

You're probably sick of hearing about the Jessamy/ Bealefeld/ Bernstein feud. But it's so darned entertaining! A good point from Page Croyder : "Bealefeld hasn't feuded with anybody. He's been nothing but publicly respectful." (This is true. Last year he told Exhibit A's Melody Simons, "Listen, I don't do public battle with Pat Jessamy.") Cryoder also throws in a bonus Jessamy press-conference spoof.
If you just can't get enough of the fisticuffs, here's other bloggers blogging on this:
Rob Carlson: "[Bealefeld's] one plastic sign, now removed, has already planted the seed of an idea in thousands of minds in less than a week."
Red Herring: "When Pat Jessamy is re-elected City State’s Attorney -- as she surely will be --those who vote for her will deserve the criminal justice system that an indolent and irresponsible prosecutor such as she brings to the city."
The Baltimore Spectator: "Larry Gibson, Mrs. Jessamy, Mayor Rawlings-Blake; non[e] of them have spent much time, if any, at active crime scenes. So to put it frankly, when they speak on the issue, in all due respect, they typically don't know what they hell they're talking about."

Ok, so enough about that. Here's this week's Ink. Five murders this week for a total of 129 so far this year. I wonder what the backstory is with the Corwin murder?

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