Monday, September 13, 2010

From Farm to Tabled

Tricia Bishop writes an obituary for the Jessamy administration

and reveals that Bernsteins's son has had addiction problems in a glowing profile.

Also prolific this week: is CP's best PIO of 2006, "Wizard777"?
"Mr. Bernstein should consider spending less time in court and more time at home"-- if so, low blow, Joe!


  1. Readers' comments to both articles reveal how desperate the Jessamy camp has become. Her supporters can't address policy so they attack Mr. Bernstein's family and constantly make references to skin color.

  2. Have there been any polls in the State's Attorney's race? I have to say I'm kind of enjoying the fact that to me at least the numbers are still a complete surprise.

  3. No! Apparently no one-- Jessamy, the Sun, Bernstein, wants to (or can afford to) pay for one!
    But if newspaper and blog comments are any kind of representative sample it's going to be a crazy margin.
    I'll go out on a limb and say 80+ Bernstein.
    What do you think the spread will be?

  4. I'm going to be a pessimist and predict that Jessamy wins the election roughly 55%-45%. I've got an awful feeling that turnout will be pathetically low, and that PJ's ability to get the Bethel AME crowd out to vote for her will win the day.

  5. ppatin,

    Remember, Steve Fogleman won 30% against Jessamy in 2006, and he had no name recognition or funding. Fogleman will even tell you today that he didn't expect to win but felt that Jessamy didn't deserve to run unopposed.

    While I wouldn't bet money on Bernstein winning tomorrow, I certainly would not count him out.

  6. Mr. Meph,

    You make a decent point and I'm not counting Bernstein out, but if I had to bet money the election I'd have to put it on Jessamy. Too many of the sorts of people who should be Bernstein supporters just can't be bothered to vote in the primary. I hope that I'm wrong, but it's incredibly frustrating when my neighbors who own homes and are involved in the neighborhood association still can't/don't make it to the polls.
