Wednesday, September 8, 2010

One thing about early voting-- candidates in hot races sure have to keep up a relentless marathon of gab. Gregg Bernstein's on WYPR right now (but no Jessamy-- she must have worn out her vocal chords at UB last night).'s nice to listen to smart people talk!


  1. Then you should keep your mouth shut. Nothing smart comes out of IT!!!!

  2. Anyone else go to the debate at UB last night? I must say I was rather underwhelmed. And Sheryl, what an odd candidate.

  3. Margaret Burns, we know it's you. Stop posting anonymous comments. Thank you.

  4. Srsly. No, didn't go to the debate.. who won?

  5. Based on that debate I'd say Bernstein, but not by much. All six questions had been provided in advance to the candidates, so all the candidates except Sheryl just read prepared answers. It wasn't very engaging. The rebuttals were unscripted and interesting, but not enough substance to satisfy me.

  6. That does sound lame, they should have just let each give a statement and have the audience ask questions, those law students probably could have come up with some corkers.
