Friday, September 17, 2010

A Concession to Dignity

Short and sweet, good for her. Golf claps. She's put in a long career as a public servant and ought to jet off to St. Bart's and go put her toes in the sand.
More from the Sun.

How wonderful to imagine this blog played a small part in such a golden moment!

ps., what an interesting coincidence, our first Jewish State's Attorney, immediately before Yom Kippur.


  1. To all of the cynics and racists who said that we couldn't defeat Jessamy because we are a city of ignoramuses who vote based solely on the color of one's skin, allow me to say, "SUCK IT!"

    ppatin, I'm not directing this at you- your doubts about Bernstein's chances were well thought out, coherent, and not at all racist. I'm referring to the all of the old farts at my delegate candidate's victory party who kept saying to me, "Wait until the black votes show up!" when I showed them that Bernstein was only down by 400 votes- according to the Baltimore Board of Elections website at around 9:00 PM.

    I would also like to say "SUCK IT!" to Kurt Schmoke and Larry Gibson- both of whom should know better than to engage in race-baiting.

  2. Thank goodness this is over. I don't know what will happen next, but an infusion of new ideas can't hurt. Well played, sir!

  3. Mr Meph:

    Well said!

    BTW, I find it sadly ironic that Kurt Schmoke first won elective office by defeating William Swisher who was notorious for his own racist campaign against Milton Allen. I guess politics cheapens everyone.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Mr. Mephistopheles,

    I'll admit that I was one of those who thought that Bernstein couldn't win because of racial solidarity in the black community. (But I'm not an old fart.)

    I'd still like to see the precinct breakdowns. Did the close Della vs. Ferguson race drive up voting in the mostly white 46th while voting was very low everywhere else? Or did Bernstein draw large numbers of votes in majority black districts, too?

  6. Vita,

    I posed that question to Justin Fenton on his chat today. He said that he is working on getting the vote count broken down by neighborhood.

  7. ... all's well that ends well. Personally, I feel at peace in a way I haven't in... 5 years and 9 months I guess. O'Malley's gone, Hamm is gone, now Jessamy.. the mayor and commissioner seem competent... finally smart, concerned people who really want to fix things are in charge. I just exhaled that exhale I was waiting to exhale. Maybe I can finally give up this hobby and get a life!

  8. Have you so soon forgotten our lenient system of parole? Time to focus attention on the incoming house judiciary committee in Annapolis so that Bernstein's prosecutions don't bounce right back out.

  9. MJB,

    There are some things not to like about Stephanie Rawlings-Blake. I'm still waiting for her to tell me why she flip-flopped on her position of taxing vacant and uninhabitable properties at a higher property tax rate. She voted for the resolution in the city council, but she helped to sabotage the bill when the MD House and Senate took it up.
