Friday, September 10, 2010

Intervene and treat!

Justin Fenton covers Jessamy's "set us back 60 years" remark.
Hello, the 50s were not exactly a kind time for Jews, either. But the big WTF?! = Jessamy saying Bernstein "doesn't think a prosecutor's office should have anything to do with prevention, intervention and treatment." No sugar, Sherlock, it's the prosecutor's office! The job description is to prosecute people! And sending someone to treatment instead of jail is a judge's call anyway, not a prosecutor's! Ay yi yi, oy vey and lawdy lawdy, no wonder this town is in such a mess.

Speaking of, a report from the board of elections says early voting is a big snooze, fewer than 2 percent of Maryland voters showed during the first 5 days. Shameful!target="_blank">official site to watch on Tuesday night


  1. Maybe instead of attacking Jessamy about her comments that her office should be working on prevention, intervention and treatment ask her how effective her office has been in theses areas? I doubt she will be able to present anything but anecdotal cases and not real trends that show her 'approach' to the offfice works.

  2. A couple of years ago I heard an ASA discussing how they dealt with johns and hookers who're busted by the cops. One thing she said was that they gave up on intervention/prevention type programs for street prostitutes because even after any sort of program the recidivism rate was essentially 100%.

  3. lolz, yes, please somebody ask her how her treatment and intervention programs are going!
    That must be where she is when she's not talking to white people in the park or opening file folders with Elijah Cummings-- staging interventions, detoxing addicts, running support groups-- our own Dr. Drew!

  4. I voted last weekend and I thought that the option to vote early was great. No lines, I just walked over to Canton and took care of it in a few minutes. It's sad how few people I know are voting in the primary though.

  5. Well let's be honest in some counties (eastern shore) there isn't much to vote for. I mean if you aren't of a certain party no need to show up.

  6. I think you can't critique voters for early voting - the early voting isn't meant to generate more voting earlier, it's to permit those who could not otherwise get out to vote, or saw the delays they would encounter on the day of the regular voting/election, as an encumbrance to doing so and so would not vote at all. Since we have nothing else to compare to there is no "shame" and even 10 years from now it will still be "early voting" based on people's desire to do it early, not some kind of decision to be civically responsible. Only when the final numbers are tallied can we critique our participation.
