Thursday, September 9, 2010


Adam Meister asks, "Are these Frank Conaway Sr. comments anti-Semitic?"


  1. I ask, "Does Adam Meister have a history of making wild accusations of anti-Semitism?"

    I can't stand the Conaways either, but Meister is as much of ass.

  2. diapers, ha! I had no idea about his past as a rabid sports fan. I'll have to track down that Jewish Times story at some point.

    Conaway's "they" talk does give one pause-- who is in this cabal that conspired to run two Bernsteins? But what the hey, there may be one. Who is Neil R. Bernstein, anyway?

  3. Who is Neil R. Bernstein, anyway?

    He's the Steve Fogleman of 2010. No name recognition, no funding, but will garner 30% of the vote because people hate Frank Conaway like they hate Pat Jessamy.
