Monday, December 6, 2010

Are all murderers mentally ill?

... and if so, does that make the death penalty unconstitutional?

An arrest in Anne Arundel's 11th homicide: Clayton Avila Battle allegedly shot and killed Kelly Fisher at Dietrich's Tavern.


  1. Ugh, more frivolous crap from people in legal academia la-la land. The Constitution is quite clear about capital punishment. The 14th Amendment says "nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law."

    The government may deprive someone of their life as long as they're fairly convicted. All these other attempts to twist the constitution are simply attempts by lawyers and criminal advocates to circumvent the democratic process and dream up "interpretations" of the Constitution that to suit their own needs.

  2. All these other attempts to twist the constitution are simply attempts by lawyers and criminal advocates to circumvent the democratic process and dream up "interpretations" of the Constitution that to suit their own needs.

    Just like the "separation of church and state". It does not appear in the Constitution or its amendments.

  3. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion"

    There's a perfectly reasonable basis for believing that the Constitution prohibits government support of religion. There is nothing of the sort which prohibits the death penalty, quite the opposite in fact.

  4. Thank you Christine O'Donnell Lingerman

  5. I am actually an atheist.

    That amendment has been used to turn Christmas into the "Winter Holiday". It is total bullshit. It is Christmas no matter what the nutcase liberal establishment wants to call it.

  6. The death penalty is cruel and unusual punishment.

    There are too much politics and rotten people in the "judicial" system to ensure they got the right person. From corrupt cops to overzealous and vengeful prosecutors to troglodytes serving on juries, there is NO way that the State can insure they are not killing the wrong person.

  7. really it should be called pagan coniferous-tree worship day, but let's not pick nits.

  8. Unfortunately for all the Christmas-haters out there, the US was colonized by Brits, French, and Spaniards who brought Christianity with them. Our culture was derived from their cultures and the result is Christmas on Dec 25.

  9. Oh god, more complaining about the non-existent "War on Christmas." Christmas is not under attack, nobody is being forced to say "happy holidays" and Christians are not being persecuted in this country.

    Re: the DP, there is no constitutional requirement that the state be absolutely 100% infallible when administering the death penalty. Such a requirement would make it impossible to have a criminal justice system since even if we abolished the DP a few innocent people would eventually be wrongly convicted and sent to prison (and raped, shanked, etc.)
