Monday, December 13, 2010

enjoy your crime news, hon!

A woman was shot to death in the 1400 block of Franklintown Road at about 5 a.m. yesterday morning

The city jail is on lockdown after "a series of violent incidents," but nevertheless, a guy somehow escaped from the Pre-Release Unit on Saturday night (and was found loving that chicken at a Popeye's in PA.)

"there is a growing consensus" that the case of George Huguely V, accused of killing former NDP student Yeardley Love, will be settled in a plea deal before trial

Ye olde loophole: Convicted felon Thomas Royal got 188 months for possessing ammo, but no time for the gun he was carrying as it was manufactured before 1899.

Gee, rilly? After the second escape in a year from the Hickey school, a report issued by the Juvenile Justice Monitoring Unit floats the notions of equipping juvenile facilities staff with radios and transporting the l'il hoodlums in secure vehicles.

In Annapolis, a 60-year-old genius was arrested after running over a guy he'd just had a fistfight with.

Interesting read from the Post: "What the Assange case reveals about rape in America"

ps. ... what kind of rich freaknut would pay $700,000 for a Nazi baton?


  1. I bought the baton.

  2. Here is an interesting sentence from the Hugueley article:

    A trial could give the defense an opportunity to build a strong case arguing Huguely acted out of passion the night Love was killed, which could help lessen Huguely's charges to second-degree murder or manslaughter

    If one studies murder cases, one would find that probably 98% of murders were committed by an act of passion. People get very passionate when they are angry, and rage is what drives most killers. Perhaps if you are rich and well connected you can use the passion defense, otherwise one is SOL.

    I say feed Hugueley V to the wolves.
