Friday, December 10, 2010

Likely stories

A "flurry of shootings" near Leakin Park

Crack reporter Melody Simmons lands an interview with the ousted mayor, who says "hopefully people realize that I am sorry for some of my decisions,” and that she might possibly write a book.

... but according to WBAL, there wont be much of a market for it, as "in Baltimore ... only one in 300 kids [as in, .003%, or about 2,100] has even a single book in their home." sounds rather implausible.. but I'm sure they wouldn't report it if it wasn't scrupulously fact-checked, right?

1 comment:

  1. Putting the 1 in 300 statistic aside, I don't see a bevy of children's bookstores in the hood, either East or West side. I see a lot of cops, drug dealers, carry outs, and bail bonds emporiums, but no bookstores. And people wonder why the kids can't read and end up dealing drugs. They go with what is available.
