Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Secure your weapons!

A 13-year-old Charles Diesmesor died after he and his friend were playing with a gun

More details on the story of Ellison McCall, the New Haven lounge bartender allegedly killed by some rowdy patrons he'd ejected

Four years for Tomeka V. Harris, a former mortgage broker turned credit-card-fraudster and prison-contraband-smuggler. More details from the DOJ

Harford county settles case of pro-life protestors who were strip-searched. Related: the Post reports that "Tests of 'Roe' more frequent since justices upheld late-term abortion ban in '07"

History corner: 10 years ago in the City Paper Lee Gardner wrote about Baltimore's first killing of the new millennium. "If the current rate holds out through the end of 2000, the number of homicides in Baltimore will drop below 300 for the first time in 11 years ... a major victory for Mayor Martin O'Malley, who was swept into office in 1999 on the strength of his vow to stem the bloodshed, and for police Commissioner Edward Norris."

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