Friday, December 3, 2010

Social studies

More on the Snowden drunk-driving case. Was his PBJ a simple mistake.. or something back-scratchier?

A 14-year-old student at Baltimore Community High School beat the dickens out of a social studies teacher

LOLZ, check out these winners arrested on drug charges in the Deener

Crown Heights it's not (sorry, NAACP), but tensions are up in the NW after the beating & wrist breakage of a teen by 23-year-old neighborhood watcher Eliyahu Werdesheim. Indeed Wedesheim's story sounds none too Kosher: if the kid was trespassing, why not call actual police? If his stick/plank was so threatening, why not just get back in the car? In better news, apparently another Shomrim member helped the beaten boy while Werdesheim fled.

Three people pled guilty to smuggling knockoff Coach handbags through the Port of Baltimore. Remember when Coach bags used to be un-tawdy and non-shiteous, and made in America out of nice, thick leather?

Alleged crack dealer Terrell Rogers got 292 months in prison for a rolling gun battle near the Bloody Bucket and attempting to trade crack for evidence-tampering services.

Former Republican committee treasurer gets three years for embezzlement

Other Baltimoreiana: The NYT has a glowing profile of Andres Alonso

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