Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The unbearable whiteness of being

The CP's Van Smith interviews the new white guy, details his fondness for Elvis Costello & 'Mad Men' & asks, "What kind of challenges does you being a white guy present?"

A dispute between tenants led to a barricade situation in West Baltimore, which ended peacefully with the arrest of a suspect.

Source tells WBAL that fire on The Block was arson

"A tearful Benjamin L. “Bennie” King Jr. apologized to his family and former employer Legal Aid before being sentenced to 30 months in prison Tuesday for embezzling more than $1 million from the organization over a decade."

Last week's four murders in the Ink: Dante Sweeney, David Carter, Travis Baltimore (reported as Travis Alexander by WBAL) and "an unidentified Caucasian woman." ... (srsly, the CP just way too obsessed with race ... ok, it's an important detail, but is it so important that must be reported in the first sentence in every single case?)

Creditors to Tribune Co. executives: bitch better have my money


  1. Please explain how applying the law in Baltimore would be harder for a "white guy"? The law is the law, right?

  2. It's true, none of the stories that talk about the whiteness really spell out how that would work in practical terms. Are cops and witnesses going to say, "I'm not showing up to testify if it might help out that white guy"?
