Saturday, January 1, 2011


Homicide 223 of 2010 was a "49-year-old man ... found dead Friday morning of a gunshot wound to the head in the area of Montford and McElderry streets in Southeast Baltimore"

A 16-year-old North Carolina girl visiting family in town went missing Tuesday and hasn't been seen since

Dennis Edwards, former WJZ reporter and spokesman for "Prez Jack" Young arrested for second-degree assault and reckless endangerment Wednesday

Someone claiming to be the cousin of a man shot and killed while attempting to rob the Laurel Dunkin Donuts claims his/her cousin wasn't armed or robbing the store and says "THE GUY KILLED MY COUSIN, HE MESSED WITH THE WRONG FAMILY......"

after the deeply skeevy case of roving abortionistas Steven C. Brigham, 88-year-old George Shepard Jr., and Nicola I. Riley, lawmakers want to require abortions only be performed at licensed surgical clinics

Deep symbolism alert: in 2009 Bealefeld spent New Year's personally arresting two gun-toting yahoos, last night he and Bernstein pushed a broken-down car out of an intersection.

... scroll down for full list of 2010 homicides-- thank you TAB for compiling these.

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