Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Leave the guns, bring the coffee

The Ink recaps the murders of 2010 and notes that people under 30 made up the majority. The Single Carrot Theatre reading is tonight.

Ow! Man shot in the scrotum

Senate President Thomas V. Mike Miller said this morning that he will call for a committee vote on death penalty regulation.

Shut the front door! Bernstein's new communications director is former Daily Record editor Mark Cheshire.

You still can't take your guns to town: MD's handgun law ruled compatible with the scope of the Second Amendment by the Court of Appeals

Ow! County robber uses a hot coffee facial as a weapon. Police are also ISO these guys who robbed a Domino's, who wisely took the money and left the pizza (what's on smurfhat guy's crotch? Looks like a rectangular codpiece..).

More on the search for Phylicia Barnes; Barnes' mom is understandably livid that "20 different guys" were in and out of the apartment on the night 16-year-old Phylicia went missing. .... so Cham was the one who had them searching Leakin Park, which is a little funny in a macabre waste-of-your-tax-dollars sort of way (is the FBI also digging up your basement, Cham?). Groused Peter Hermann, "It took more than 100 cops seven hours to thoroughly search just the area that the poster directed them too. (sic) ... the written word is powerful, and shouldn't be written in haste."


  1. Fenton called me last night, told me he needed to give my phone number to the police as they wanted to talk to me, he seemed to be amused. I'm still waiting for that call. I have banded together a unique string of Baltimore-basic 4 letter words that I am going to unleash on the 5-0 describing how I feel about them when they finally get up the nerve to call my house. Are they inept or what?

    I'd love to see you all at Single Carrot but I'll be at homeless census training over at Daily Bread tonight. Should be good time. Say hi to Rich Espy for me, he knows who Cham is.

  2. oh, I'm not going, I went once a few years ago and that was plenty. How does Fenton have your number?

  3. Of course the People's Republic of MD decided against 2A rights. It was expected. However expect this ruling to be overturned on appeal at the Gun-Friendly 4th Circuit level. Gura and the SAF are already working on the appeal. If the MD commies appeal it to the US Supreme Court they will lose and not only will Shall-Issue become the law of MD, but the law of the entire USA.

  4. Anon:

    Any case that was decided by the Maryland Court of Appeals cannot go to a federal appellate court. Only the decisions of US District Courts can be appealed there. The only place this decision could be appealed to is the US Supreme Court. If you want anyone to take your "legal analysis" seriously it would help to learn the basics of how this stuff works.

  5. And before you go labeling ppatin as a "commie", anonymous, know that he is a strong proponent of CCW. While I don't agree with his stance on this issue, I respect him because he's able to express his viewpoint without engaging in juvenile name-calling.

  6. Mr. Meph:


    I am pro-CCW, however the notion that there's a constitutional right to it is pretty far-fetched. Heller seemed to show that the US Supreme Court was willing to strike down outright gun bans, but not much more than that. The legislative process is the best way to expand the right to carry in MD, not futile court cases.
