Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Legal farce* drags on

Anne Arundel County Circuit Court Judge Paul A. Hackner has said he will not delay the capital murder trial of prison-guard killer Lee Stephens. A pre-trial appeal on evidence in that case is still waiting before the Court of Appeals, but five years after the crime Judge Hackner is tired of all the delays.

* note this does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the blog administrator


  1. Mr. Stephens would be smart to reference the 6th amendment.

  2. sounds like the judge is following procedure, the farce is happening at the legislative level

  3. MB:

    This case was a mess long before the death penalty "reform" of 2009. Officer McGuinn was murdered back in 2006, by the time the laws about the DP were changed the case had been dragging on for nearly three years.


    It's Stephens's lawyers who're dragging this case out. You can't go throwing endless monkey wrenches into the legal system and then complain that your right to a speedy trial was violated.

    You also need to remember that Stephens is already serving a life sentence for a separate crime, so dragging the proceedings out doesn't do him any harm. You can check the case in MD Judiciary Case Search, he waived his rights under Hicks early on.
