Thursday, January 27, 2011

Public shaving, private drinking

A jury was seated today in the trial of the twins accused of setting fire to Phoenix the pit bull, and one can't help but to notice the twins' facial features & ears look pretty Fetal-Alcohol-Syndrome-ish.

Missing Solothia Thomas was found unharmed... but no explanation of where she was or what she was doing

A 4th circuit judge upholds the 2009 Baltimore foster-care system consent decree, which ended court oversight of Baltimore's fucktified foster care system

Judge J. Frederick Price denied defense motions to exclude the death penalty in the Thomas Leggs case

Shaving-bump-afflicted former city officer sues over forced public shaving

Carl Snowden is appealing the tossing-out of his 3rd DUI PBJ

Crime-unrelated Baltimoriana: Rafael Alvarez eulogizes Burke's Restaurant; Marty Bass stoop storytells the day he lost his toupee.

1 comment:

  1. Others are saying the kids have lead poisoning. Still doesn't explain why they were fighting dogs though...
