Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Rare moves

Some unusual responses following the Select Lounge melee: SRB ordered plainclothes police to dress up and an independent review of the nightclub shooting. The police department has named the officers involved (Harry Dodge, 37; Harry Pawley, 40; Toyia Wiliams, 36; and Latora Craig, 30). WBAL also reports that Officer Torbit was struck with 20 bullets.

Last week's murders in the Ink, and the first victim of 2011 is named as David Jones, 21

Turns out the Glen Arm intruder, Robert "Scooby" Buss, had patronized the would-be 64-year-old victim's barber shop. Says WJZ commenter "essex," "He always said he would never go back to jail."

An attempted robbery by a guy who needed toilet paper on O'Donnell Street in the Baltimore Guide blotter. Not to be confused with the guy last week who actually stole toilet paper.

Holy shamola, that's a lot of kablingy! Last year the district of MD netted $60 million in penalties and seized assets.

Twelve years for coke-dealing felon Tavon Johnson

Who owns crime reports? Not the public, apparently.


  1. When I first read "SRB ordered plainclothes police to dress up," I thought, well, maybe that explains the female-impersonating police impersonator. Then I read the story.

  2. sorry, you're looking for

  3. I think the Police Department is planning to give the cops a one-size-fits-all vest for off-duty work that says "How may I help you?" on the back.
