Monday, February 28, 2011

Naked & Tased®

How much would you charge to be strip-searched on a public street and Tased® while in handcuffs?

The FBI and local police are ISO the "East Coast Rapist"

"Judge Upholds 'Skateboard Cop' Firing," dude.

County police arrested Clinton Austin Bradley Jr. in the murder of 18-year-old Brandon Jackson

County police are ISO a woman named "Tre" with a bite mark on her hand who allegedly robbed a teacher

Sun "Second Opinion":"a sentence of life without the possibility of parole provides peace and certainty that the death penalty rarely can." (Bored? Lonely? Check out a screening of the documentary "Blocking the Exit" this Thursday with the Justice Policy Institute)

Medical marijuana hearing in the House today. "Good concept, convoluted bill," says the Sun's Andy Green. Heh.

Hey look, the Liquor Board docket is online

Huh? Wha? Eighth Naval Academy midshipman expelled for using "spice". Is that what Miley Cyrus smoked?

1 comment:

  1. Once again I have to take issue with the Sun's anti-DP piece. LWOP does NOT provide more certainty than the DP, it's just that the appeals process for death sentences has gotten so wacky that it puts families through hell. Do not kid yourself, if we do abolish the DP then guys like Dan Rodricks will start speaking out against no-parole life sentences. I know that capital punishment has been defacto abolished in MD already, however as long as you keep it on the books it forces thug-huggers like Lisa Gladden to pretend that they support LWOP.
