Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Really, JZ?

Man shot on Cliftview Ave Id'd as Mark Saunders, 23

County homicide victim ID'd as 18-year-old high school student Brandon Jackson.

Page Croyder takes on Dan Rodricks' "life means life" column

Yesterday family members of William Torbit Jr., plus talk show host Daren Muhammad, marched from the Select Lounge to city hall ("Almost 100 people," really, JZ?). Here's some shaky-camera'd video of people shouting the same thing over and over, and an Examiner post by Hassan Giordano reports that "The Fraternal Order of Police President Robert Cherry has taken a more criticle approach to the matter"

"Baltimore taken to task over police beard ban"
And a hearing today in Annapolis on decriminalizing small amounts of marijuanica

"Searching for Details Online, Lawyers Facebook the Jury." Would you "friend" the DA's office in exchange for free access to the court's wi-fi network?

AAC police arrested two winners for a shooting outside of a 16-year-old's birthday party in Glen Burnie

ps., watch out for that "whether mix" out there!
whether mix

1 comment:

  1. I am so sick of blacks protesting against "white demons" or "white-based conspiracies". ENOUGH. If you want to protest, march your asses through the neighborhood of the ghetto sow who set the whole event in motion, by causing a melee over a disrespect.

    Officer Torbet was killed because a subset of blacks could not be trusted to congregate without some type of violent event occurring.

    Dean Muhammad is a pimp who gets paid for making noise and shaking down people using the race card. There's no money in it for him to go black neighborhoods and protest the violent behavior and thug culture that is causing the overwhelming numbers of violent deaths.

    That's right, Dean, go chase the white boogeyman. Meanwhile, a black thug just shot another black thug over a disrespect.

