Monday, February 7, 2011

Save the puppehs!

City council committee supports extending in-state tuition for undocumented residents. (& I support extending one's skirt a little farther below your crack if you are addressing a city council committee. I know it's not the Vatican but geeze.)

That poor dog-burning jury is still a-deliberating. Says JZ, "the case spewed the creation of the city’s Animal Abuse Task Force."

Two freaky-looking chicks arrested for burglarizing a Glen Burnie pet store

Really? Owner of the Wine Source says 10-fold hike in hooch taxes is a good idea because it could curb alcohol abuse.


  1. "Higher Education NOW!"? More like "Higher Hemlines NOW!"

  2. Further evidence that Catholic schools don't have enough nuns these days.

  3. That looks like the back end of Britney Spears.

  4. I hate, hate, hate the term "undocumented residents." They're illegals.

  5. Last I checked, 'illegal' is an adjective. Illegal what?

  6. Illegal immigrants. "Undocumented" falsely implies that they're the victims of some sort of administrative error.
