Friday, February 25, 2011

Update on semen squirter sentencing

"Law-abiding and churchgoing member of the community" (and part-time DNA spreader) Michael Wayne Edwards Jr. gets 3 years probation. Apparently, "Edwards' actions were the result of misplaced anger after breaking up with a girlfriend." Ya think?

Although maybe he was just trying to spread good cheer (as well as his seeed).


  1. he certainly doesn't look angry in the picture, he looks quite satisfied with himself.

  2. If one is angry at their girlfriend one should perhaps calmly communicate their dissatisfaction with the source of their anger, not people they don't know and not with a hunting knife. This would be a good lesson for both the semen squirter, Michael Wayne Edwards, and Cleaven Williams. I think we should give men helpful tips and tricks in non-violent communications.

  3. not just men, neither.
    .. you gotta wonder what happened in their lives that they deal with conflict in such a way. Something stunted them at sub-toddler level.
