Friday, March 18, 2011


A man shot to death at the U.S. Fried Chicken on Pennsylvania Ave.

And in Frederick, a worker killed at the Burger King

Life with all but 50 years suspended for William Vincent Brown (so how much time will he actually serve?)

Senate says yes to medical marijuana, ignition-locking devices for drunks, bans on novelty lighters & smoking in a car that has kids in it, and a 180-day use-it-or-lose it parole deadline for the guv. .. and $60 million in new fees?! Effing effers!!

Page Croyder: "if the governor is simply removed from the parole process, prison and parole proceedings will be left shrouded in darkness and unavailable to the public."

WYPR’s Garland Thompson reports why three-year investigations of large drug-dealing conspiracies are worth it (audio link).

"Independent Examiner" Hassan Giordano reports that "The 49-year old former Baltimore City Council President, Lawrence Bell took the first step in exonerating the charges and clearing his name of allegations made against him. Shan Mabry, a longtime 'friend', who brought forth her second peace order claim against Bell in six months, while also filing a criminal complaint against the man she once shared her heart with." (includes a courthouse picture of the plaintiff, so totally not kosher!)
Fun fact: in 1999 Bell won a CP award for "Best Scandal"


  1. That chicken joint killing is really going to rock such a quiet and safe hamlet known as Penn North.

  2. It boggled my mind to read in that "Not in My Neighborhood" book that Pennsylvania Ave was once Baltimore's main st -- chic residents of the once very nice West side neighborhoods of Forest Park, Rosemont, etc. would get all dressed up and take the trolley down Pennsylvania Ave to shop (and their purchases would be delivered)!

  3. Pennsylvania Avenue was home to several night clubs including the Comedy Club, the Sphinx, the Casino, The Rainbow, The Avenue Bar and The Frollic as well as a large number of the movie theaters. It was the shopping and entertainment district for middle class blacks when Baltimore was a segregated town. Desegregation and America's love affair with television and air conditioning changed all that. The riots of 1972 put a nail in the Avenue's coffin and for some reason, just to make sure the Avenue will never return to its former glory, the city has seen fit to demolish all the beautiful old theaters and clubs. Now there are a bunch of grassy lots where business once happened. You can see what I mean if you take a ride there on Google Street View. And for those of the Jewish persuasion, the intersection of Pennsylvania Avenue and North is the site of Baltimore's oldest Jewish burial ground: Ettings Cemetery established 1799. Yep, the Jews were there first.

    The downside of Pennsylvania Avenue is its saving grace, this is one of the few places the chains and big box retailers haven't infiltrated. Pennsylvania Avenue to some extent is beautifully frozen in time and it has an enormous amount of foot traffic. You'd think some developer would connect the dots.

  4. Re: William Brown, that should be life with all but 50 years suspended.
