Thursday, March 24, 2011


Man found stabbed to death in vacant home on North Ave

Creepy & sad: officer shot on the same block where another cop was killed a decade before

It all seemed like just so much grousing, but now I'm starting to wonder if the Sun (or at least Laura Vozzella) really does have something against Jill Carter. "Deadbeat" is an awfully strong term for someone with an unpaid water bill, whilst there's nary a word in the papers about Belinda Conaway, who either doesn't live in the district she represents, or does but is cheating on her taxes by claiming her primary residence is somewhere she doesn't actually live (a sin of commission, as it were).


  1. It would be nice if some reporter would grow some gonads and drop by Conoway, Spektor and Young's house at 6AM to see who is there. Do it for Carter too. We could put an end to this discussion of who lives where fast.

  2. He was a state senator rather than a city council member, but George Della apparently lived outside of the city as well.

  3. dead·beat
    1. One who does not pay one's debts.
    2. A lazy person; a loafer.
    Not fulfilling one's obligations or paying one's debts

  4. BTW, someone sent me all of that dirt on the Conaways' properties last August. I'm no Meister so I passed it on to a Sun reporter. No one did anything with it so I figured it was just not that interesting of a story (and it's kind of not, relative to, say, Pistol Pete Welch), but if that's not newsworthy, I am puzzled as to why Jill Carter's water bill is worthy of so many inches. Is that crazy, Mirriam-Webster?
