Friday, March 25, 2011

37? 38?

A fatally stabbed man found in an alley in the 2100 block of Barclay Street

Crazy standoff situation in Cherry Hill

30 years or less for the 7th "Bounty Hunter," Anthony Williams, involved in the murder of Petro Taylor in 2008. (In 2009 Judge Prevas, via his clerk Susan Janoski, mailed me a hefty packet with the details of this case, oddly paired with an unrelated, banal illegal-weapon-seizure case-- page after page of tragic, pitiful details of Petro Taylor's torment and torture and begging to call his mother and trying to escape. I always meant ask Prevas why he sent that to me, esp. aired with some random weapons case- did he mean to say that that is what it's like to be a judge, boring cases then cases that make your neck hair stand on end?)

30 years for a woman whose robbery plan killed her neighbor

"Maryland's Court of Special Appeals has struck down the conviction of Darryl A. White Jr. on weapons charges stemming from a 2008 shootout with police in which two men died"

Remember John Nicklas and Shannon Leigh Honea, who did things to children in Essex/Middle River that that made a neighbor "want to vomit"? (Not to be confused with Jesse Aaron Davison and Tiffany Bolner of this month's other child-abusing-porn-making puke-inducing story). Niklas got 60 years, Honea has a plea agreement pending for 30-35 years.

President of the Baltimore county FOP is accused of drunkenly displaying his weapon and punching a sedan driver in the face.

Twenty years for Aaron Davis, convicted of robbing a Towson liquor store

And corrections officers in Hagtown "have filed a petition asking that a union leader be banned from the prison for allegedly threatening them during a meeting"

Some good news, the house has passed a bill to ban BPA in sippy cups and baby bottles. BPA shrinks your 'nads, and there is some credible evidence that exposure contributes to obesity, among other things.

Adam Meister claims that Frank Conaway is also a water-bill deadbeat, and asks "why is the Sun going after Jill Carter?" Says Carter, "Reporters and editors like to keep a close relationship with the politically powerful. The gov, speaker,, steer them in the direction of who to cover and how to spin the stories." .. do you think the Sun has it in for Jill Carter?


  1. With Petro Taylor, now comes the part of which I have been waiting, the sentencing of Tenisha Lawson. Tenisha Lawson was the one who came up with the idea of burning Petro alive and carried it out. She deserves nothing less than being burned alive at a stake at the amphitheater at the harbor. However, Lawson was 18 at the time, her cohorts, Grechauna Rogers was 16 and Sierra Pyles was 19. All 3 of these gals are pretty(or aren't ugly depending on your POV). So what is the judge going to do?

    Please note, Anthony Williams who was male and 23 years old at the time just got 30 years and I'm not quite clear as to whether he was even present at the burning of Petro Taylor.

    1. She home doing great๐Ÿ–•๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ–•๐Ÿพ

  2. As far as Jill Carter is concerned, why do I have to pay my Baltimore City water bill when she doesn't? When my company has a meeting why is my presence expected when Jill Carter doesn't have to show up for her meetings? Inquiring minds wish to know.

  3. can we have a link of the details of his last moments???

  4. I didn't scan the file, it was 20-something pages long, and I have no idea where it is now. Apparently Taylor was still alive when he was set on fire, so I'm sure his last moments were horrible.

  5. The coroner found burned leaves in his throat, that is how they knew he was still alive when the Tenisha Lawson poured gasoline on him and set him ablaze.
