Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Base! How low can you go...

Del. Tiffany T. Alston (D-PGC) says she's ready to vote on the same-sex marriage bill, and that her no-show was because she needed "a little more time to weigh my final decision." And, says Julie B., Jill Carter "predicted the Judiciary Committee would not vote on gay marriage until House leadership has appeased her." The Sun Op-Ed page predicts the opposite (the puzzle-- what does the Judiciary Committee have to do with school funding?)... the grab for attention has apparently worked, you can now follow FauxJillCarter.
WBAL has audio of Jill Carter and others talking about their issues.
And says Jill Carter on her Facebook page:
Andy green at the Sun was obviously spoon fed by someone-my money is on Maggie ... Andy Green's editorial is not only dishonest, it is scathing, character assasinating, and suspiciously, mean-spirited. If you followed my mayoral campaign, you should recall the Sun's consistent non-coverage, under coverage, and disparate coverage. I am NOT the reason the bill wasn't voted. The chairman knows it, speaker knows it , and a number of others.

The WaPo's Dana Milbank sees how many drug references he can freebase into one piece


  1. Del Carter was claiming on her Facebook page that no one from the Sun spoke with her, and that Andy Green's editorial piece was slanderous and dishonest -- and now all the posts concerning the Civil Marriage bill have disappeared from her wall ...

  2. So much misinformation! Del. Alston NEVER said she was ready to vote FOR the same-sex marriage bill. The real block to the bill's passage was Speaker Michael Busch! He couldn't deliver the house or even bring a floor vote. More delegates opposed the bill than supported it. At least two delegates on the Judiciary committee flip-flopped, Sam Arora & Tiffany Alston. Andy Green was silent on he true opposition. That's why his writing fit, disguised as an editorial, IS suspect.

    What school funding has to to with same-sex marriage is both are within the control of house leadership. It is surprising that house leadership would prioritize a vote on same-sex marriage, that could not even pass, while delaying the budget, which cuts public education funding, when the budget and education funding are the only two things the legislature is constitutionally mandated to accomplish.

    News stories were incorrect on the same-sex marriage vote which probably didn't help its fate: John Wagner, Julie B, and worst of all, Andy Green's Jill Carter tantrum. Since the real problem with passing the bill was the speaker, and the reporters were way off, most likely Busch's spokesperson, Alex Hughes, was another culprit - trying to cover his butt while seizing an opportunity to try & bring disrepute on Jill Carter because the speaker doesn't control her & Hughes is known to be catty and jealous, not to mention purportedly having a long-standing obsession with Martin O'Malley. I blame Busch, Hughes, Alston, and all the no voting delegates. After all, Jill Carter voted for the bill and supported it long before the likes of Speaker Busch and Gov. O'Malley (quoted as saying it should go to the voters to decide).
