Monday, March 21, 2011

Dangerous interactions

Mom of David McLaughlin, Jr, father of four, says he was robbed and murdered for minivan money.

Shot police officer Michael Rice was a war veteran (wonder which war?), the suspect who shot him had a history of "increasingly dangerous interactions with police"

The perv du jour is Jeffrey Trantham, a HoCo 20-something who allegedly enjoys child rape, webcams and fleeing to Canada.

The gun that a 4-year-old shot himself with was not legal, say police

No bail for Brittany Norwood, suspect in the Lululemon murder

North Baltimore Patch, aka Adam Bednar, "live blogged" tonight's City Council meeting.

What tha...? Fifty-one poodles, yorkies and porkies removed from one home in the 'deener

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