Friday, March 11, 2011

.. in other news

No bail for Snoop. Sixty-four people arrested in old Latrobe in a case that took three years to develop. (Why so tense, Bernstein?)

Police are asking for help to find Stephanie Jones, 21, and her infant son.

As part of a class-action suit, a debt collector will drop more than 10,000 cases

Media blabber: in a rare move, the NYT's public editor agrees with outraged readers that a "Gang Rape Story Lacked Balance"


  1. Does anyone know what is going on with those dancing kids down by the fountain at the Harbor? Looks like some speeded up ska thing. I probably should have asked but I didn't have time.

  2. I spent some time reading the press release from the justice department on the big drug bust. I can appreciate the list of names of those arrested. It is starting to become clear all this diversity education is working, I'd like to see the mug shots. Are we finally reaching across gender, ethnicity and color lines to all work together?

    Also, this line concerns me:

    “Wherever criminal gangs bring violence to our streets, that is where we will direct the resources needed to send them to prison,” said U.S. Attorney Rod J. Rosenstein. “We must persist in this coordinated effort, because every American deserves to live in a safe neighborhood.”

    Every charge on these arrests encompasses distributing heroin, cocaine or marijuana. According to this document this group was a sales organization distributing products to an established client base. There is not one violent crime among the charges. One can't assume that because someone is selling drugs they are automatically violent. Law Enforcement has become delusional yet again.

  3. Cham, you appear to have stopped reading before this statement in the release:

    "Further, the indictment alleges that members of the conspiracy possessed firearms, and engaged in violence against members of the conspiracy who failed to perform required tasks."

    I assume the guns they seized were for deer hunting...?
