Friday, March 18, 2011

Officer shot

An officer is in stable condition after being shot in the neck near East 25th Street and Harford Road

Wha?? "The 27-year-old co-worker of the woman killed at a Bethesda yoga store, who originally was portrayed as a victim in the violent outburst, has been charged in the killing of [co-worker] Jayna T. Murray"


  1. If I ever kill anyone I'll just say that I was was sexually assaulted by a large black man in a ski mask who killed the victim. The police will focus on their inner racism, the community will busy itself with candlelight vigils and raising reward money, and my skinning blond ass would have about 4 days to at least make it to Mexico. Yoga store, what a hoot. :D

  2. Inner racism? Give me a break.

  3. "Skinning blond ass"? Yikes, that sounds pretty scary. I'm assuming you meant "skinny"?

    Either way, I guess you missed the part where the woman who has been arrested for the killing (who may indeed be skinny) is certainly not blonde.

    And yes, murder is always a hoot.

  4. She's not blond or white, I got that by looking at her picture. She knew enough about stereotypes and people's preconceived ideas to know what to say to the police to quickly get herself out of hot water. She might still be out there free as a bird if the people in the next store over hadn't heard her arguing with her coworker. I'm appalled that she got as far as she did with this crap-ass masked-men fantasy. The Bethesda detective squad needs far more training.

  5. I dunno, they closed the case in a week? That sounds pretty good to me.
