Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Well that's odd..

I just got a letter in the mail from Talmadge Branch thanking me for my e-mail regarding "House Bill's #175 & #55, "Religious Freedom and Civil Marriage Protection Act". Which is odd because I haven't sent anyone an e-mail -- I'm not even in the 45th district.
Could supporters or opponents be sending fraudulent letters? Anyone else get a letter like this?


  1. I just received my National Organization for Marriage robocall. I went with a colorful impalement scenario. Once Maggie Gallagher hears my answers I am sure she'll need to eat at least 27 boxes of Twinkies to calm herself down.

  2. I got another one the other day, though I hung up before I heard the questions. Was it the same questions as these or new ones?

  3. As I recall from a few minutes ago, the call went like this:

    "This is Brian Brown from the National Organization for Marriage and I'd like to ask you a few questions about marriage. Do you believe marriage should be between a man and a woman?"

    Forgive me, but I had a rather elaborate scenario planned for this call and I wanted to get my thoughts straight so I hesitated before I answered. Before I spoke though the robocall continued:

    This call will end if I do not hear either a yes or a no answer

    So I said, yes. Then the Brian Brown asked:

    Are you male or female

    I responded with a standard, fuck you.

    Are you over 50 years of age?

    It was at this point I started discussing my plans for a large wooden pole and the caller's rectum. Things deteriorated from there and I have no idea what was said.

    You might get a kick out of NOM's talking potato.
