Saturday, March 26, 2011

Worse and worser

The man stabbed in Barclay was ID'd as Reginald Leon Wragg, 46

Crazy video of four guys beating the tar out of a guy at the Charing Cross shopping center in Edmondson Heights.

Horrible: Social Services placed foster children in homes "despite credible evidence that the care providers had abused or neglected children," said a General Assembly audit, and "also failed to follow up on 159 children born to parents who had had their parental rights terminated."

In the county, arrests for the murders of Nathan Bowles, Vincent I. Thomas and Gerardo E. Botello.

Wilkens Ave RoFo robbed again

Alleged East Coast Rapist Aaron Thomas pled not guilty, is rather unremarkable-looking

Better news: House passed the bill to limit natural gas drilling in Western Maryland, probably after members read this freaky-deaky hydrofracking story in the NYT (or watched the "Gasland" documentary)

Also on the Patch, "Dumb Maryland Laws You May Have Violated"


  1. Yesterday I admit I was a criminal in Baltimore City. I willingly rode my bicycle at night without a headlamp. Patch can add that to their list.

  2. Did you hear anything about some sort of shooting or stabbing off of Preston, not too far away from the outskirts of Mount Vernon? I was driving this afternoon through the area and saw a man, lying on the ground, with many people circled around him. The ambulances hadn't arrived yet... Wanted to see what happened, if it was reported, and, most importantly, if he was okay.

  3. These lists of "dumb laws" are usually amusing and often inaccurate, or at least outdated. Just to pick one random example, COMPLETELY at random, no reason absolutely whatsoever that I would choose this PARTICULAR example, but...

    Re: "In the entire state, it is illegal to give or receive oral sex"

    Actually: In 1990, the Court of Appeals ruled that oral sex between heterosexuals was perfectly okay. The ruling was then extended to same-sex couples in 1998.

  4. As for the rest, well, without links to the actual laws, it's hard to say. If you Google most of them, you'll just get tons of "Stupid Maryland Law" links.

  5. Yes, those "dumb law" lists are always kind of wack (yet the most popular link on the Daily Record they are not). Somehow I doubt fact-checked it -- a quick search of COMAR turns up nothing about a "lion."

  6. & no didn't hear about a stabbing-- for that kind of thing it is handy to have a police scanner app for your phone

  7. Ah, good call on scanner, I do have one in phone, didn't think to use it. Guess he was okay. :)

  8. When I was in college the pre-law society had some clever posters saying "Oral sex is illegal in Maryland, but the law doesn't have to suck." Unfortunately for them they didn't fact check either.

    At this point pretty much any law against private sexual behavior between consenting adults is almost certainly unenforceable because of Lawrence v. Texas.
