Sunday, April 10, 2011


Oh fer ef's sake! Dwight Taylor, 25, was shot to death while waiting to get a haircut at 200 W. Saratoga St -- 5 p.m. right there in the Central District, like two blocks from the Daily Record! Police Tweet that CitiWatch cameras caught the suspect, who is in custody.

It doesn't get much Baltimorier than this: search of Patapsco Park didn't find Phylicia Barnes, but did turn up a man's body.

In Fell's Point a man was stabbed after bumping into someone at the RoFo

County police are ISO a-hole Antonio Marquis Johnson, who broke into his ex-gf's house and assaulted her 3-year-old son

Unshockingly, the Sun is all for in-state tuition for illegal/undocumented immigrants. (Comment: "figure out a way to do something with people whoe brake laws. Its not difficult")


  1. That Royal Farms is in Fells Point, not in the county.

  2. All that money for those silly cameras is finally starting to pay off. Perhaps the police have learned how to use the focus feature.

  3. the guy might still get off
