Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Unid'd man, rear alley of the 500 block of Schroeder St.

DNA has linked Baltimore County's Nankisoor Ramnath, found guilty of murdering his wife in 2008, to the rape of a mentally challenged woman.

County police are ISO this flasher. Could someone please explain to me the appeal of flashing people/schoolgirls?

"An employee of a bail bonds shop on Eastern Avenue has been charged with shooting a man who was fleeing the store after getting into an argument over fake gold" .. do you think he cuts his own hair?

Fenton asks some questions of a cute 25-year-old Russian who gave money to SRB & O'M

& happy 4/20, stoners! Here's a pot story round-up from Mother Jones. And "duh" of the day, The American Independent asks "Is Big Pharma set to corner the American market on medical marijuana?" .. and I wonder how many people were arrested in Baltimore City for marijuana last year? Anybody know?

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