Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Man shot to death in Brooklyn last night

The Ink recaps last week's 10 murders

More deets on the Monday night harbor teen thing (at least a hundred teens on the street, six people arrested, two teens stabbed-- but so totally not a riotous mob, mkay?)

Toted teen's relatives testified in trial yesterday

292 months for alleged heroin conspirator "Bun Rock"

Ten years for alleged crack/heroin dealer Robert Peterson, and 15 years for alleged gun-toting 5x con Marquis Battle (what, no fun nicknames?)

Two oldsters indicted for massive metal theft

Control yer effing dogs, people! 106 stitches and 12 staples for kindergartner shredded on city furlough day

Schools locked down in AAC on account of barricade situation (now "resolved")

Apparently we have tea partiers, and they're totally pissed about the in-state tuition thing

What the?! DC perv managed to get his pedophilia on while incarcerated in the federal penitentiary in Marion, Illinois


  1. "Police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi described those arrested as facing minor charges for non-violent offenses and said they were not connected to the stabbings. He said about 100 teens came to the harbor after Easter Sunday, on one of the last days of Spring Break for city students."

    I mean, that would be a really, really lame riotous mob. No cars torched or overturned? No shop windows smashed? Nary a cobblestone thrown? Also, aren't there USUALLY at least 100 teens in the Harbor?

  2. Bill Cole and I had some discourse yesterday about the riotous mob/melee/kerfuffle. To celebrate our lovely conversation I made his a snazzy Homicide Map for our esteemed 11th District. It's color coded by year since 2007 and has a nifty bar graph. If you think the 11th is so safe due to Bill's Tough-On-Crime stance, think again.

  3. Thomas Jefferson stealing nickel?

    Man, I couldn't think up stuff that funny.
