Saturday, April 16, 2011


So let me get this straight: the three cops that Bernstein is prosecuting will all be tried together, but two of the defendants are having a jury trial, and one (the only white one?) is having a bench trial. Never heard of such a thing & must agree with a commentor, if the point of the SA prosecuting a case is to show ASAs how it's done, why not pick something more typical? Or is the whole point just to show the world that Bernstein and the police aren't in bed together (in spite of the fact that he and the mayor's liaison to the police are literally in bed together)? Or is the whole case so bizarre and technical he feared some ASA would ef it up?


  1. Milton Smith is also white.

  2. This is not exactly Frank Furillo and Joyce Davenport. Bernstein and the PD (at least the non-crooked ones) are supposed to be batting for the same team. It wouldn't surprise me if Bealefeld himself asked Bernstein to take this case.

  3. This case is already starting to smell. Bernstein either made a really bad choice or is in on the game. Perhaps the plan is to have the judge go easy on the white cop and then hang the 2 black cops out to dry with the jury. With this clusterfuck there is plenty of opportunity for a mistrial or a retrial or some other type of do-over that will never happen.

    Whatever it is, it will be a set-up for the Tshamba debacle followed by the Torbit mess, that will be followed by the tow-truck extortion case and then whatever the cops haven't yet been caught doing this week.

    Either way, it will keep the courtrooms busy through 2013, and the entire judicial system will continue to get paid with our well-earned money. It's a self-generating revenue stream.

  4. Or Cham they could cover up everything as they have done forever. Now they are holding the cops accountable.. but still not good enough???

  5. Cham:

    The tow truck case is being handled by the Feds. Please get some basic facts straight before spouting conspiracy theories.

  6. So let me get this straight: the three cops that Bernstein is prosecuting will all be tried together, but two of the defendants are having a jury trial, and one (the only white one?) is having a bench trial. Never heard of such a thing (THERE IS PRECEDENT...AND THIS IS A TYPICAL DEFENSE MUCK IT UP AT ALL COSTS TACTIC..)& must agree with a commentor, if the point of the SA prosecuting a case is to show ASAs how it's done, why not pick something more typical? SHOW ASAS HOW IT IS DONE? REALLY? SO ALL 200-PLUS ASAS WILL STOP WHAT THEY ARE DOING TO WATCH A TRIAL TO LEARN HOW TO BE A LAWYER? I WOULD SAY THE POINT IS TO FULFILL A CAMPAIGN PROMISE. Or is the whole point just to show the world that Bernstein and the police aren't in bed together (in spite of the fact that he and the mayor's liaison to the police are literally in bed together)? WELL, THE FORMER POLICE MISCONDUCT PROSECUTOR RETIRED IN JANUARY LEAVING THIS CASE BEHIND. THE FACTS ARE PRETTY STRAIGHTFORWARD, THANKS TO THE HOWARD COUNTY POLICE DEPARTMENT'S INVESTIGATION (HMMM..BPD WANTED NO PART OF THIS AND DIDN'T BOTHER TO INVESTIGATE?) Or is the whole case so bizarre and technical he feared some ASA would ef it up? ANY PROSECUTOR SHOULD BE ABLE TO PRESENT THIS CASE. MAY AS WELL BE THE BOSS.
