Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The evening dismal

Feeling good? Had a great day? There's a cure for that...

Nick Madigan covers the murder trial of former used-car salesman Frederick A. Christian, accused of killing Jerryell Myesha Foster and dumping her body in the wiles of Virginia.
(.. I remember this case, and while a search of the archive turns up stories of a man found dead on a burning couch, a 5-year-old shot by a gun he found under the couch, a pissy drunk on the couch, knives stashed under the couch and a 16-month-old killed by a couch, can't find the archive.)

HoCo jewel thieves used the stolen car of city murder victim Derek Jones.

A state appeals court won't hear appeals in the case of children who sued Saint Joseph's Society of the Sacred Heart claiming a priest was their father.

Man's ass glued to terlit seat at Elkton Wal-Mart

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