Thursday, April 7, 2011

I can has justiz?

The woman shot in Reservoir Hill was ID'd as Keenya Jordan, a case manager for disabled adults.

Four witnesses plus 911 tapes in the Sian Jones trial today. The Sun also reported earlier the fucktarded circumstances that allegedly led to the perp feeling threatened.

A conviction for Tracy Denise Queen in the tutoring-fraud scheme uncovered by Baltimore Brew reporter Joan Jacobson.

Jemini Jones' former attorney Janice Bledsoe to head Police Integrity Unit

Cameras bust a North Avenue drug deal. ... must be a rare event for it to make the news


  1. What you arent hearing about the cop being killed is that he never IDd himself as a cop, threatened to shoot people in the face, was driving intoxicated, and the cops friend lied that thy hadnt drank at all. I follow this blog every day, and happen to know Mr Gibson who has zero record and makes 6 figures and is a resident of Canton, not some ghetto trash.

    Anyone who has had dealings of cops in the city can picture the scenario, cop on his high horse out drikig on his birthday, acts like he can say whatever he wants and threatens to shoot someone (which as we've learned this year they do) and then someone throws something at him because he thought he was reaching for a gun.

  2. I can totally picture that scenario-- but if someone threatened to shoot you, why wouldn't you just get the hell out of there?

  3. 2 people of the 4 said that he actually reached for something, so they thought it was the gun, thats when Sian threw the rock. I am not sure if i was in the actua situation what i would have done either.

  4. well if someone has a gun and all you have is a rock, I should hope you would run fast & diagonal-like.

  5. Even if the cop was "on his high horse", this incident should never have happened because Molly Gilbert and Angela Sauer had no right to reserve a public parking spot.

    And I know that some of these people weren't "ghetto trash". I was able to find out that Molly was white when I looked up her court history and found out that she was once arrested for public urination and also went to court for driving on a suspended licens andregistration and for having expired tags.

    It appears that Miss Molly seems to have some anger management issues and a sense of entitlement, no?

  6. .. white people can't be ghetto trashy? ..

  7. Point taken, mb, but I think the commenters on the Sun article who were using that term were referring to black people. I wish the Sun would get rid of the comments feature- it raises my blood pressure every time I read it.

  8. .. public urination is not exactly what Martha Stewart would do

  9. As I said on the Sun site, there is no parking space savies. There just isn't.

  10. agreed, but the officer didnt care about confrontation either, both parties should have been able to walk away. Senseless, and sad he died, but knowing some of the people involved I can tel you the cop was not innocent either. It took many egos and attitudes to do this

  11. Walk away? Let me tell you something, if I saw 2 people standing in a parking space "reserving" it, I wouldn't be walking away either. Knowing me, you could count on some unpleasant verbal exchange. I agree with Mephistopheles, that is a huge sense of entitlement. I've seen this kind of crap happen before. People who know they are doing something totally wrong do it anyway, and a fight ensues because everyone else gets pissed off. Now one guy is dead and another is in prison standing trail for murder. The women still don't get what they did. They should be on trial for inciting a riot.
