Wednesday, April 13, 2011

.. in other news

Police say they are closing in on a suspect in the murder of Jhoma Blackwell.

Neighbors and Joan Floyd help keep the Nancy Schmidt case alive.

Police are ISO these brazen robbers, and arrested these.

Two traffic tickets for Jeannette Marie Walke, who mowed down cyclist Nathan Krasnopoler

The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency issued cease-and-desist orders against eight mortgage bankers


  1. Is it just me, or is the phrase
    "my thoughts and prayers go out to the victim and their families" always used after calling the victim and their families jerks or idiots?

    That will teach me to read comments on an article about a bicyclist hit by an old woman.

  2. Dan Savage of "Savage Love" took on Maggie Gallagher this week. It turns out Maggie had a child out of wedlock. I guess she's a 'do as I say not as I do' kind of gal.
