Thursday, April 21, 2011

Phylicia Barnes = found

The Sun confirms that the body found yesterday is hers


  1. ...turned on the JZ 4 o'clock to see if there's anything about it and they are literally covering a change in Kansas motorcycle safety law. Why have a 4 o'clock newscast if you are just going to read crap from the wires?!?!

  2. You should read Michael Olesker's book about his 20-year-stint at WJZ. He talks about it how went from being a ratings juggernaut with real reporting (under the late, great duo of Jerry Turner & Al Sanders) to being a shell of its former self with verbally-challenged anchors like Vic Carter (aka "Bryant Stumble"), beauty pageant contestants posing as newscasters (Sally Thorner), and little to no production of in-house content.

  3. I am wondering if Law Enforcement (including FBI, State Police, Baltimore County Police and the local Keystone Brigade) have a pretty good idea of who did what to Ms Barnes and have been holding off with an arrest because it is really hard to prosecute anything without a body. I'm hoping they have something up their sleeve.
