Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Uncharted lands

INteresting! The AP reports that Gregg Bernstein is going to try his first case this week, of three police officers accused of dropping off teenagers in the wilds of HoCo and the East side. (Wonder how 3 officers and 2 incidents = one case?)

1 comment:

  1. Good for him...pick a dead up winner to try! That sets a good example! It's called racial pandering. Why didn't he take a simple drug or gun case, where the defendant is black, officers are all black (take race out of it) and the gun/drug was found on the defendant. The real cases that are tried and lost every day because of jury nullification. Oh...and the defendant confessed, but, guess what, still a not guilty in front of a city jury! Pick the easy one. Pretty obvious.
