Saturday, May 7, 2011

Hopkins students mowed down

Benjamin Zucker and Rachel Cohen were struck at St Paul & 33rd, are both expected to live.


  1. I have jury duty yet again in June. Fourth time in six years.

  2. I have jury duty in June, too. Just got my notice. I figured it was time. Interval is about the same as yours - about every 17 or 18 months, ever since I moved from the county to the city 20 years ago. Had a county jury summons forwarded to my new city address, and when I replied, no longer a resident, this is my new address - BINGO. It was literally only a matter of weeks before the city got me.

  3. It's funny how some city residents never seem to get a summons.

    I'm lucky to work at a job where I get paid for jury time and don't have to use any leave. If I were self-employed or did some kind of shift work I'd probably start ignoring summonses after a certain point.

  4. I'm self-employed. 3 guesses as to what I do with my summonses. I don't even open them, they do come so frequently though. I think I've done more than my share of time in the jury box.
