Tuesday, June 14, 2011

BPD Police Admin chief leaving

amidst rumors of some re-shuffling in top command....


  1. It's not amid anything, as both moves have been known since late last year. That's a reckless and uninformed inference: http://weblogs.baltimoresun.com/news/crime/blog/2011/01/changes_in_store_for_2011.html

  2. I posted too quickly, misinterpreting the tease to mean the story was linking the previously-reported Diamond Training moves to Owens leaving. Apologies.

  3. Any word on what happened with the overturned vehicle accident on 295 northbound last night? It happened right around the Annapolis Road/Westport exits. A drunk/impaired driver appeared to be at fault, but he didn't get the worst of it.

  4. Aw, Fenton pulled an MJ!

    ... drunk/impaired/distracted accidents are sadly common, if they were all reported on it would probably be its own newspaper section or newscast, so no, haven't heard. If you must know, best thing to do is download a police radio app and try to tune in when you're in the vicinity.
