Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Lunchtime Crime

Football players behaving badly: former Ravens player Jermaine Lewis (not to be confused with coke dealing former Raven Jamal Lewis or justice obstructing Raven Ray Lewis) was released on bail after getting tased and arrested. Cops came to Lewis's home after he was seen driving erratically.

Crime in Maryland is at its lowest level since 1975.

A guilty plea to first-degree from Michael Brooks. Prosecutors say they intend to ask for a 30-year sentence.

Alleged pervert and a burglar on the loose in Anne Arundel County.

Ralph Edward Thomas is in big trouble with the feds. He allegedly stole $800,000 from clients who included a child with birth injuries and a woman with dementia.

The commish defends the Baltimore PD on the Marc Steiner Show.

Cherice Ragins's family is still looking for her.

Drunk driving and illegal street racing are a deadly combination.

I'm not certain how I feel about this. City police will start taking crime reports by phone.


  1. Cherice Ragins is the one missing. Monique Gregio is the reporter.

  2. add murderer to Ray Lewis

  3. Kevin: Thanks for catching that. I was rushing to put something up while I was at lunch and got sloppy.

    Anon: All he was convicted of was obstruction of justice. I'm as cynical about professional athletes as anyone and the NFL has a particular talent for attracting thugs and hoodlums, but calling someone a murderer is a pretty serious accusation. Lewis wasn't convicted of anything close to murder and from what I understand there was pretty serious reasonable doubt about whether he stabbed anyone.
