Thursday, September 15, 2011

Obsessions, compulsions & Conaways

Say what you might about the horn-tooting of the rousing of rabble, it's deserved. Adam Meister helped roust tax cheat Belinda Conaway out of the 7th district by a skinny 648 votes ... by just being Adam and letting Belinda be Belinda with her redunkulous lawsuit. Said the loser, "I don't have any regrets-- none." Neither must her lawyer, who apparently ran up the clock on her before doing an iota of diligence.

Speaking of dumbassery, Baltimorean Matthew VanDyke, who either escaped or was freed from a Libyan prison after aggravating his OCD and losing every last ounce of body fat and with a girlfriend/fiancee waiting at home, decided to stay in Libya to reportedly join the Ali Hassan Juba Katiba rebels. A fine line between bravery, silliness, and Stockholm syndrome. Well don't say Dutch didn't try!

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