Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Old-man enemy

Can you call someone a "boyfriend" if they're 51 years old and commit the unfriendliest of acts? In any case, Gary Allmond, 51, has been arrested for the murder of official victim #140, an unidentified woman.
Update: Woman Id'd as Janice Drayton, 51

Four people were shot this weekend and one victim, 31-year-old Antonio Laws, has died.

Cult mom Ria Ramkisson, now living in a "faith-based treatment center," gave an interview to the AP's Ben Nuckols.

And two pervs du jour, a balloon artist nabbed after trying to have sex with an age-regressed picture of a police officer, and a Christian-camp operator. (So 6c means 6" long and circumcised? Blogging is so educational!)

Speaking of 14-year-old boys, one in Lutherville was charged with attempted burglary after trying to break into a couple of houses.

And a Baltimorean with a chin-strap beard was arrested after allegedly driving all the way to Ohio to flash and attack Asian women.

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