Friday, October 28, 2011

Cat mutilator pleads guilty

Ethan Weibman, 20, pleaded guilty to charges related to two cats he mutilated earlier this year. Weibman was busted when he and his girlfriend Jorden Donahue took a beaten, shot cat back to the SPCA... and asked for another cat. This Facebook group went to great pains to copy his profile pictures (lots of weed shots from his Hampshire College days) and contains high levels of seething rage ... rage so conspicuously absent when human children are beaten to death in the city, no?


  1. I suspect that the reason for "rage so conspicuously absent when human children are beaten to death in the city, no?" is borne from a reasoning within a lot of humans, that when a human child is involved we expect" other" humans to intervene when a child is being hurt. In the case of animals they do not always have a supposed civilized group advocating for their well being.

  2. well, five different groups apparently showed up for this guy's trial. If I can I'll go Hari Close III's trial and see who shows up for that.
