Friday, October 14, 2011

Crime news of the day, paywall edition

A man was shot in the back in a UMMC parking garage

Horrific: 11-year-old William McQuain is missing from MoCo, his mom was murdered and his stepdad is under arrest.

Holy moly! Thirty-five alleged Bloods gang members ("South Side Brims") have been indicted for racketeering, murder, kidnapping and other crimes. It took more than 100 officers to round them all up.

James Owens, one of the first people in MD to be cleared post-conviction by a DNA test, is now suing the city, SAO and BPD for $15 million.

Another kid attacked by a dog.

And finally, a new PSA from the Mayor. Ok, if you're drunk, it's a little bit your fault. (Kidding! Kidding!)

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