Monday, October 17, 2011

Yes and yes

The Baltimore Algebra Project and some other groups are hosting a Town Hall meeting on juvenile jails this Saturday at the Hilton on West Pratt:


  1. The "Baltimore Algebra Project" has very little to do with algebra.

  2. X = Number of young black male teens in Baltimore City Y = Number of beds to be available to the as yet unbuilt Baby Booking Center. Z = the number of days one spends in jail after one is arrested for loitering. How many times will the Baltimore City police along with the Maryland Judicial System have to arrest each young black male to keep as many as possible locked up during the course of the year. Et voila, algebra.

  3. Race baiting? Hardly. I'm passed racism, the Baltimore City/County area is teeming with discriminatory practices against young men, both in their teens and early 20s. The young men are dying out there in droves, failing to thrive and are quickly becoming a huge homeless demographic. It has much to do with the way the judicial system, the police, the education system and the employment system view them. If somebody doesn't take action soon things are going to get much worse. Everybody else can sit back and look the other way, I'm doing something about this.
