Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Fatal shooting of a 29-year-old man on the 500 block of South Bentalou Street; a carjacking at Dru Hill and Whitelock.

The Ink details last week's single homicide, and the fifth fatal police-involved shooting of the year.

The defense and prosecution agreed yesterday that Ehrlich's campaign manager, Paul Schurick, personally approved the "relax" robocalls, and prosecutors described a desperate and panicked election eve for the Republican campaign. Fun fact: the Sun's Justin Fenton was the sleuth who traced the calls to the Ehrlich campaign.

Fenton and Hermann follow up on TAB's tip that Darnell Kinlaw, charged with car theft in the Annie McCann case as a teenager, has now been arrested for killing Lakeisha Player and stealing her car*. Kinlaw was apparently out of jail due to the magic of concurrent sentences and credit for time served.

And another murder arrest, Jerome Burgess Jr.*, 19, has been charged in the murder of 25-year-old Tavon Toney, who was robbed and killed walking on Franklin St. Incredibly, reports Fenton, this is Burgess' fifth arrest this year.

The special prosecutor for the Meister vs. Conaway kerfuffle has been appointed*, one Steven I. Kroll, head of the Maryland State Attorney's Association. Don't know if he shares Meister and Bernstein's "commonality of their religion*" (Kroll is a German name, with a family crest of two crossed bird feet), but surely Conaway's lawyer will squawk regardless.

Occupy Baltimore permit = denied! Didn't that happen already, you say? Indeed it did, in October the group applied for a permit and was denied then, too, but nothing came of it. Parks & Rec. also adds that "assemblies of more than 150 are prohibited." Isn't that kind of, like, a violation of the 1st Amendment?

Greenmount Avenue merchants worry about crime. Remember when you could go there after dark, get a Pupu platter at Uncle Lee's and browse for books at the bookstore across the street? Old person sigh ...


  1. Well, now, MJ, why do you suppose Uncle Lee's closed?

    Its owner and I have discussed this many times. It's the crime.

    The city has NO INTENTION of doing a damn thing about all the hoodlums from that neighborhood walking around wearing masks and carrying guns. So, if you want that pu-pu platter, you'd better go to Yau Brothers and order it through through bulletproof glass while you can.

    Of course, once Mary Pat Clarke shuts the carryout because Waverly is too full of criminals, you won't have that option either.

    Take a look at the video. (Note: the dude in the red sweatshirt is another vic.)

    Those guys are traipsing about Greenmount in masks with no interest from the police. Yau Bros. staff is by the camera behind the glass stir-frying your egg rolls.

    In exactly what way is the cook responsible for these Waverly gangsters and the violence they bring to Greenmount?

    The nuisance is the rather large population of the criminal element in that area, and you can close down every carryout, gas station, and convenience store you want. The hoodlums will continue until incapacitated through incarceration.

    Question: if these masked criminals headed over to Charles Street and hung around the door to Gertrude's around sunset, would anyone be proposing to shut down Gertrude's ??

    Didn't think so. A couple of masked hoodlums anywhere near North Charles Village are immediately told by cops to go back to Waverly, 'where they belong'.

    If you want to reduce crime in an area, there are only two ways to do it:

    1) intensify the policing until it is proportionate to the size of the criminally-inclined population.

    2) decrease the density of the criminally-inclined in that area.

    Anything else and you're fooling yourself. MPC has been shortchanging her constituents on this subject for almost 40 years.

    The Charles Village Benefit District was created 15 years ago because Council Pres. MPC declined to provide additional city police. While the city refused to adequately police the area, it also refused to equip anyone with its monopoly on police powers.

    So, you see, it's the city government which is at fault here. Not Yau Brothers.

  2. ASA Kroll (Baltimore County State's Attorney's Office) is as straight arrow as they come.

    It is insulting to suggest that one would be swayed one way or another due to their background.

    It's one thing to attack an elected official; that's politics.

    But Kroll is not a political appointee, so lay off of him and other career prosecutors who are just trying to do their job.

    Nony Mouse

  3. I agree completely, Nony, that was a reference to the remarks of Conaway's lawyer, J. Wyndal Gordon, who said that Bernstein appointed a special prosecutor because "When you have a situation where you have a Jewish victim and an African-American male, you have things happen differently than if it happened to be a regular case ... perhaps because of their commonality in their religion."
    .. basically implying that Meister and Bernstein are in some kind of secret Jewish club, shades of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, or something. I'm sure Kroll is a fine man, and I'm also sure that if he's Jewish that J. Wyndal Gordon and the Friends of Frank will have something to say about that that I really do not want to hear.

  4. .. and yes, Galt, I was shocked by Mary Pat Clarke trying to get Yau Brothers shut down. If small-business owners are being plagued by crime, maybe as their city council representative she should try to help them, for pete's sake! Use her pull to get one of those blazillion-dollar cameras above their front door. Any business open on Greenmount ave deserves a medal, not MPC trying to turn them into another vacant storefront.
